Episode 004 Christian Obermoser

Christian Obermoser
“The Concept of Motivation needs to Change”

Christian Obermoser is my guest in this episode of Inspire Monday.

Christian Obermoser works as a Leadership Coach and supports people in realizing their potential and developing this potential into actual skills. He is also a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria where he teaches leadership theory & leadership skills.

“Being authentic makes people happier and more successful.”

Also Christian is working in adult education, where his focus is on developing communication skills. Christian Obermoser holds a Masters degree in Sociology and English.


We talk about Leadership, Authenticity, Motivation, Decision-making, but it’s about SO much more too. It’s about being human, performing in a leadership role, and bullying in the work context, Christian is a very engaged and passionated communicator, and he really has a lot of insights to share, so stay tuned. It’s high level and quite conceptual. If you are a leader, works with HR or are in any way interested in personal and professional development – you should tune in.

In this episode I talk to Christian Obermoser about:

  • How he grew up in the country side and how it affected his life and values and felt the trust of the adults around him.
  • Leadership development and how bullying in the workplace is based on unconscious patterns of behaviour and what we can do about it.
  • How authenticity is ablotutely  KEY to him and we talk about how it’s possible not to be authentic.
  • Christian shares his insights about hos he thinks the concept of Motivation needs to change, which I think is really interesting.
  • How he thinks leaders are quite bad actors. This  – I think is very funny.
  • Christian shares how he doesn’t think it’s possible to make a wrong decision, and how this can lift the burden of ‘taking the right decision’ from people.
  • We talk about the concept of soul and how Christian does not believe in it, but still he thinks there is a ‘third element’ to life and being human, that is very hard not to talk about when one is working with leadership and development of people.

Find Christian here:


His Linkedin Profile  (Find him om xing.com as well, if your are german speaking).